Rezdy API for agents

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The Rezdy Agent API allows querying products, availability, and make bookings for suppliers who have agreed to be distributed.


Since the API is based on REST principles, it's very easy to write and test applications. You can use your browser to access URLs, and you can use pretty much any HTTP client in any programming language to interact with the API. Features

  • Supports JSON for requests and responses
  • Simple data model
  • Secured by SSL and API Key
  • Fast and highly available, hosted on Amazon Web Services

Do you need an API?

APIs are designed for programmers, so if you don't speak any computer language, we have solutions that should be easier for you to use. Rezdy provides a range of plugins for you to integrate on your website, that don't involve using our API directly. To learn more, check the integration plugins available in your Rezdy account, or read this overview of our iframe plugins

Integration partners

If you'd like to build a new service around Rezdy's software, require additional APIs, or would like Rezdy to directly integrate with your company's software, get in touch with our team so we can review your project and discuss its feasibility.

Rezdy APIs

Rezdy offers different API products for different types of businesses. Make sure to choose the right one for your needs.

Rezdy API for agents

REST API for Rezdy agents and OTAs (online travel agents), providing functionality to resell suppliers products, including pulling shared products, availability and pricing from Rezdy, and pushing bookings and cancellations to Rezdy.

Rezdy API for agents specification

Rezdy API for suppliers

REST API for suppliers using Rezdy Booking Software provides functionality to manage their Rezdy inventory and booking capabilities.

Rezdy API for suppliers specification

RezdyConnect (RC)

The RezdyConnect API powers the supply side of the Rezdy Channel Manager tool. The API is designed for suppliers using other ticketing systems, allowing them to import and resell their products through Rezdy’s connected channels. Rezdy pulls availability and pricing, and pushes bookings and cancellations to the supplier’s booking system.

RezdyConnect specification

Rezdy Webhooks

Webhooks allow 3rd party applications to be notified or updated when certain events happen on Rezdy, by sending data to configured URLs.

Webhooks specification


Specification format

This specification is built upon OpenAPI Specification version 3.0.x.

The examples in the text as well as request and response payloads, use preset data in Rezdy staging environment, and demo accounts with special read-only API Keys:

  • a supplier account API specification demo supplier with API key 5f4b36ff169047a4a5682cba7e07fea4
  • an agent account API specification demo agent with API key 69f708868ddc45eaa1f9b9fad1ddeba5

You can use the accounts to try any GET calls, however, POST, PUT and DELETE methods are blocked for this API key to preserve the data and will result in the following error

    "requestStatus": {
        "success": false,
        "error": {
            "errorCode": "6",
            "errorMessage": "Client not authorised"


Rezdy API is versioned and you must include the version in the URL you're calling. Our API is actively updated within the same version, but these are non-breaking changes and therefore the version will not be updated. We will increase the version for any major breaking change.

Please check the changelog for details of changes.

We are currently on v1 of the Rezdy API. If, for example, you were accessing the Products endpoint, the URl should be structured as:

You can also use /latest/ to automatically use the latest available version:


We have Staging and Production environment. Use the Staging environment to test your integration to make sure it is ready before connecting to the Production environment. Calls to the Rezdy Staging environment include payment processing through payment gateways are done against third-party sandbox environments.

Production and Staging environments are currently completely disconnected, accounts and other data are not replicated, thus you need to create a new account and generate a new API key for each environment.

Environment Application URL API URL API Documentation URL

We release new updates to the Staging environment approximately one week before they are released to production, so there may be differences. These differences will be represented in the documentation available for each environment as outlined above. Check the changelog for details.

For simple integrations, it is easier to test using the production environment, booking only Test products from our Rezdy Agent Certification supplier.

On the Staging environment, you can activate our test supplier account with credit card number 4242424242424242 which will prevent the account from expiring due to the trial ending.


All requests must use HTTPS, the API is not available on non-SSL/TLS ports.

We do not allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), REST calls to Rezdy API should not be made directly from a browser.

All API calls require a valid API Key. It must be passed as a query parameter or HTTP header, with all requests, using the following format:




HTTP headers:

To obtain your API Key, please log in to your Rezdy Booking Software and send a request by going to the menu item Integrations > Rezdy API > Request API Key. If you do not see this menu item, please contact

Keep API key confidential and do not publish it to any publicly available repository in a version control system. Malicious bots are frequently scanning for such vulnerabilities.

Payload format

Media Types

The Rezdy API supports UTF-8 encoded JSON payload. You must include both Accept and Content-Type headers to your requests as follows:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Accept: application/json

Response format

All responses will contain a "requestStatus" element. That element will tell you if your request was successful and may contain error or warning messages.

Successful request:

 "requestStatus": {
  "success": true,
  "version": "v1"

Request with error:

 "requestStatus": {
  "success": false,
  "error": {
   "errorCode": "6",
   "errorMessage": "Invalid API Key"


Requests that return multiple items are paginated to 100 items by default. You can control pagination by using the offset (default:0) and limit (default: 100) query parameters. The custom limit may not exceed 100, except for specific endpoints if mentioned in their description.

For example:

GET /products?offset=0&limit=100
GET /products?offset=100&limit=100
GET /products?offset=200&limit=100

Dates format

There are 2 date formats in our API model.

The first one is ISO8601 format, and typically fields such as startTime, endTime, dateCreated, dateUpdated are formatted this way.

The other one is a supplier's localized date format, which is based on a supplier's timezone setup on Rezdy. Typically, used by fields startTimeLocal/endTimeLocal.

How to use them in API requests

These two types are mostly exposed in pairs in the payloads or query parameters as startTime & startTimeLocal or endTime & endTimeLocal. For better convenience, you can choose which format to use. General rules of thumb are:

  1. If a start time is required, at least one of the parameters startTime or startTimeLocal have to be specified. Similarly, for other date fields.
  2. If both parameters startTime and startTimeLocal are specified in the request, the startTime has a higher priority, startTimeLocal will be simply ignored. Similarly, for other date fields.

Local format

Local format does not contain timezone information, the format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, e.g.:

2014-10-30 09:00:00

Using local date format is recommended, as there is no need to do any timezone conversions when displaying data such as local tour start time to an end user.

ISO8601 format

If you use ISO8601 format, you have to convert times to the supplier’s timezone when you want to display dates and times for a tour. For example, if a supplier runs a tour on 30 Oct 2014 at 9:00 AM in the “Sydney/Australia” timezone, time in ISO8601 format returned by the API will be:


That’s because 2014-10-29T22:00:00Z is the same time as 2014-10-30T09:00:00+11:00. You can send any of these formats in your API calls and they’re both valid and both represent the same timestamp.

You can retrieve the supplier’s timezone in GET /products calls (Product.timezone). Please be mindful of Daylight Savings Time when converting timestamps. You should always use the proper timezone (i.e. Australia/Sydney) instead of the time offset (+10:00) because the latter can vary during the year (i.e. Sydney is +10:00 in winter and +11:00 in summer)

Rate Limit

API use is restricted to 100 calls per minute, per API Key. We may alter this limit based on usage patterns. If you reach your limit, you will receive an HTTP Status 406 response with message "Too Many Requests".


To provide the best experience to your customers and to avoid hitting the rate limits, you should implement some form of caching on your end rather than calling the Rezdy API for each request. For example, a typical browsing + booking process could follow this caching strategy:

Customer action on your website Rezdy API Call Caching recommendation
Browse product 1 GET /products/{product1} Cache for 24+ hours
Check product 1 availability GET /availability Cache for 24 hours
Browse product 2 GET /products/{product2} Cache for 24+ hours
Check product 2 availability GET /availability Cache for 24 hours
Add product 2 to shopping cart – Starts checkout GET /availability No Cache – confirms product is still available
Completes checkout POST /bookings No Cache

Error codes

The following error codes can be returned in the requestStatus object

Error code Meaning Details
1 UNKNOWN Indicates an unknown error.
2 NO_IMPLEMENTATION Indicates that the target API has no implementation for the request.
3 BIZ_RULE Indicates that the message has passed a low-level validation check, but that the business rules for the request message were not met.
4 AUTHENTICATION Indicates that credentials are invalid
5 AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT Indicates that the security credentials in the message have expired
6 AUTHORIZATION Indicates that credentials are valid but not enough permissions to execute that call
7 PROTOCOL_VIOLATION Indicates that a request was sent within a message exchange that does not align to the message
8 TRANSACTION_MODEL Indicates that the target business system does not support the intended transaction-oriented operation
9 AUTHENTICAL_MODEL Indicates the type of authentication requested is not recognized
10 MISSING_FIELD Indicates that an element or attribute that is required in by the schema (or required by agreement between trading partners) is missing from the message
Indicate that automated payment booking failed
Indicate that automated payment booking failed
13 PAYMENT_CARD_TYPE_DECLINED Indicate that the card type is invalid
14 PAYMENT_CARD_TYPE_REJECTED Indicate that the card type is invalid
15 PAYMENT_ERROR Indicate that payment information is invalid
Indicate that only a single item per order can be booked for this supplier
Indicates that the payment should be completed performing strong customer authentication (SCA)
18 MINIMUM_QUANTITY_REQUIRED Indicate that quantities are less than the minimal requirement
19 MAXIMUM_QUANTITY_REACHED Indicate that quantities are higher than the maximum requirement
20 DOWNSTREAM_ERROR Indicate downstream error
21 NOT_ENOUGH_SEATS_AVAILABLE Indicate that there are not enough seats available for this session
22 SESSION_NOT_FOUND indicate that session doesn't find in our system
23 PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND Indicate that product doesn't find in our system
24 ORDER_NOT_FOUND Indicate that order doesn't find in our system
25 ORDER_LINE_ITEM_NOT_FOUND Indicate that order line item doesn't find in our system
26 MIN_BOOK_AHEAD_START_TIME Indicate that the date of booking must be booked {n} duration before tour start
27 MIN_BOOK_AHEAD_END_TIME Indicate that the date of booking must be booked {n} duration before tour end
28 INVALID_CUSTOMER_EMAIL Indicate that the customer email address is not in a valid format
29 BLOCKED_EMAIL Indicate that the customer email address has been blocked
30 DOWNSTREAM_TIMEOUT Indicate that the source of the error is a timeout in communication with downstream services. You could retry this call later.
31 INTERNAL_ERROR Indicate that Rezdy failed to process a request because of an internal error
32 INVALID_PRICE_OPTION Indicate that the price option used for a booking does not exist on the product
33 REZDYCONNECT_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM Indicate that external RezdyConnect system did not return mandatory data to finish operation.
34 OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Indicate that currently there is a session update process running for received product code. You can retry this call shortly.


API real-time and historical uptime/availability details are available here.

We use a highly available architecture and hosting resources with Amazon Web Services. Our standard releases are transparent, therefore causing no downtime, and are backwards-compatible unless it is a major version release (see versioning above). In case a maintenance period is required we will alert users via in-app messages and announcements on our support forum and our Rezdy Ops Twitter account.

API Limitations

Our API is in active development with regular new endpoints and features being added to support more use cases. There are, however, some current limitations:

  • 3D-Secure authentication for payments processing is not yet supported in API, therefore Stripe payments (StripeConnect, RezdyPay, Marketplace, and Automated payments) to book EU suppliers' products may not work.
  • Updating bookings is limited to status, customer & participant details. Updating products or dates is not supported.
  • Rental products, custom products with a price per duration or GIFT_CARD products, cannot be booked through the API yet (see isApiBookingSupported field in Product response model)
  • Return shuttle/Transfer product prices are not exposed through the Rezdy API, but products can be booked independently as 2x one-way products.
  • Availability limited per price option is not supported. These products can be booked but only the total availability per session is exposed.
  • GIFT_CARD type products cannot be created or booked using the Rezdy API
  • We don't recommend doing immediate consecutive product updates, session creates, or session updates for the same product code, or a product code of a shared product. This is due to the async session operation that is being triggered and limited to being scheduled once per product (shared products group) at a time.


Supplier (Tour Operator)

A business supplying products for resale to agents channels or Rezdy marketplace (B2B) or using Rezdy booking software to sell them to end customers (B2C).

A supplier can also act as an agent and resell other suppliers' products. In that case, refer to Rezdy API specification for Agents

Agent (Reseller)

A business reselling supplier products.

Product (Tour, Activity)

An experience that a supplier is selling on Rezdy.

Booking (Order)

Transaction of selling a product or multiple products belonging to the same Rezdy supplier. Booking and order might be used interchangeably, but refer to the same entity across the specification.

Booking item (Order item)

A booking consist of a single or multiple items. Each item is linked to a single product, a single or no session (depending on product booking mode), and can have different quantities and tour participants.


An un-confirmed booking (A booking with orderStatus == PROCESSING) that temporarily holds availability.

At the moment reservations are not available in agent API.

Session (Tour session)

A time slot when a product (tour or activity) is scheduled to run at. A session provides information such as start and end time, total capacity (seats), remaining capacity (seatsAvailable) and pricing (priceOptions).


An entity representing information about an end customer who booked a product. A booking can have multiple items and each can have a list of participants based on the booked quantities, but only a single main customer per booking.


An entity representing information about additional tour participants. A booking item is associated with a list of participants.

The first participant always represents the main customer. For your convenience Rezdy automatically copies information from customer entity into the booking first participant in booking requests

Extra (Product extra)

An additional item or service that can be booked together with a product. Extras do not have their own availability.

Booking field

A booking questions or information provided during a booking process. Booking fields can be stored on order level (a booking field per booking) or participant level (a booking field per participant). Booking fields can be mandatory or optional and may require a certain format.

See Using Booking Fields for details.


A list of pickup locations and additional pickup instructions that are associated with a product, that customers can choose from during booking.

See Providing customer with pickups for details.


An entity such as tour guide, car, boat, etc. that can be associated with sessions. A resource limits session availability and can be shared across multiple sessions.

Coupon (Voucher, Promocode)

A discount that suppliers can offer for customers to apply for their product bookings.

At the moment coupons are not available in agent API.

Manual payment

A booking payment that requires manual reconciliation between agent and supplier outside of Rezdy.

See Automated and Manual payments for details.

Automated payment

A full booking payment that is required at the time of booking, and is automatically split and paid to supplier and agent.

See Automated and Manual payments for details.


The two-sided B2B platform provided by Rezdy where suppliers and resellers can search, connect and trade with one another. Only marketplace rate products are available on Rezdy marketplace and only automated payments can be used for marketplace bookings.

Marketplace rate

Marketplace rate allows suppliers to select products available for Rezdy marketplace and set up their commission amount.

Negotiated rate

Negotiated rate allows agents and suppliers to agree on a specific commission amount to be used for selected products for their bookings.


Product categorisation, which allows agents or suppliers to assign Rezdy products to logical groups.


A functionality around tour participant manifest, such as check-in, no show flags.

Integration FAQ

Question: Do I still need to send my agent booking confirmations to suppliers.

No, Rezdy will send booking confirmation notification emails to suppliers. All bookings will automatically drop into the Orders section for the Tour Operator which is one of the major benefits of Rezdy.

Question: Do we need to send a booking confirmation to customers when we make a reservation.

Rezdy will send booking confirmations directly to customers when a booking is made. You can disable this email when sending bookings through the API.

Question: Sometimes we agree on discounts with operators. These discounts are often exclusive and other times they may apply across the board for all agents. How do we process these reservations in Rezdy when the discounted prices are not set up by the operator in Rezdy.

We have an agent option that allows you to override the supplier’s prices.

Question: Is it possible to search the products by address, including country, region, city, etc.

You can only search products by geolocation (latitude and longitude). In such case we will return products up to 500 km away, ordered by distance from that point. We expect a client system to have some caching or database layer, where you store products you are reselling. You should not make an API query for each end-user request

Getting started

Account setup

You need to follow these steps to use the Agent API:

  1. Read our Agent API FAQ before you start
  2. Create an agent account on, or on for testing purpose. Agent accounts are free but can only sell products for which suppliers have shared their rates.
  3. Check supplier rates. As an agent, you have immediate access to all suppliers' Marketplace rates. You can also request negotiated rates from your preferred suppliers.
  4. To obtain your API Key.
  5. Read our API Overview, check out the typical use cases, examples, and endpoints specification below. Build your client and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or if you’d like to discuss the implementation of our API services.
  6. A commercial agreement can be made between agents and Rezdy for agents to become certified Rezdy partners.

Generate API key

You have to request to obtain an initial API Key from our support team. Requests to generate an API key may take up to "48" hours to process. Once generated, the key will automatically appear on the Rezdy API page on the Integrations menu for immediate use. You can request your API key by logging into Rezdy and clicking:

  1. Integrations
  2. Rezdy API

API key

Typical use cases

From browsing to booking flow

The most typical use case for agent integration with Rezdy API, is to facilitate Rezdy API data to build a booking site. These examples show the API requests and responses for a typical booking flow. It helps you understand the process to replicate the Rezdy booking form through the API.

That typically consists of the following steps:

  1. Load and cache Rezdy product details, available for you to be booked, and refresh it regularly. Search product
  2. Load and cache Rezdy product availability, and refresh it regularly. Search availability
  3. Build a checkout flow, which includes a real-time availability check of user selected product sessions and booking creation. Create booking
  4. Update booking with data such as reseller reference, comments or customer pick location. Update booking
  5. Cancel a booking Cancel booking

Search products

Agents do not own any product. You can use the GET /products/marketplace endpoint to load products that suppliers have shared. Product details include general pricing, description and photos. There are many attributes available on the service, allowing you to filter products by location, supplier, category, rate type, etc.

To optimise the performance it is better to call search products and cache the retrieved products for at least 24 hours. Products do not tend to be updated by suppliers often.

Search filters should be rather implemented on client side to avoid round-trips to Rezdy API for each user query. Search marketplace is a resource intensive query and depending on the search filters used, it can take up to several seconds to get a response.

Example request:


Example response:

    "requestStatus": {
        "success": true,
        "version": "v1"
    "products": [
            "productType": "ACTIVITY",
            "name": "Double dive with sharks",
            "shortDescription": "Double dive with grey nurse or leopard sharks, depending on the season.",
            "description": "Double dive with grey nurse or leopard sharks, depending on the season. Boat dive with a snack provided during the break between the dives. The dive site is suitable for open water divers.",
            "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
            "internalCode": "DIVING",
            "supplierId": 13398,
            "supplierAlias": "apispecificationdemosupplierdonotedit",
            "supplierName": "API specification demo supplier (DO NOT EDIT)",
            "timezone": "Australia/Sydney",
            "advertisedPrice": 200.0,
            "priceOptions": [
                    "price": 250.0,
                    "label": "Adult",
                    "id": 929159,
                    "seatsUsed": 1,
                    "productCode": "PWQF1Y"
                    "price": 200.0,
                    "label": "Student",
                    "id": 929160,
                    "seatsUsed": 1,
                    "productCode": "PWQF1Y"
            "currency": "AUD",
            "unitLabel": "Participant",
            "unitLabelPlural": "Participants",
            "quantityRequired": true,
            "quantityRequiredMin": 1,
            "quantityRequiredMax": 50,
            "images": [
                    "id": 22650,
                    "itemUrl": "",
                    "thumbnailUrl": "",
                    "mediumSizeUrl": "",
                    "largeSizeUrl": ""
                    "id": 22651,
                    "itemUrl": "",
                    "thumbnailUrl": "",
                    "mediumSizeUrl": "",
                    "largeSizeUrl": ""
                    "id": 22652,
                    "itemUrl": "",
                    "thumbnailUrl": "",
                    "mediumSizeUrl": "",
                    "largeSizeUrl": ""
                    "id": 22653,
                    "itemUrl": "",
                    "thumbnailUrl": "",
                    "mediumSizeUrl": "",
                    "largeSizeUrl": ""
            "bookingMode": "INVENTORY",
            "charter": false,
            "terms": "",
            "bookingFields": [
                    "label": "First Name",
                    "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                    "requiredPerBooking": false,
                    "visiblePerParticipant": true,
                    "visiblePerBooking": true,
                    "fieldType": "String"
                    "label": "Last Name",
                    "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                    "requiredPerBooking": false,
                    "visiblePerParticipant": true,
                    "visiblePerBooking": true,
                    "fieldType": "String"
                    "label": "Mobile",
                    "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                    "requiredPerBooking": false,
                    "visiblePerParticipant": false,
                    "visiblePerBooking": true,
                    "fieldType": "Phone"
                    "label": "Email",
                    "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                    "requiredPerBooking": false,
                    "visiblePerParticipant": false,
                    "visiblePerBooking": true,
                    "fieldType": "String"
                    "label": "Special Requirements",
                    "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                    "requiredPerBooking": false,
                    "visiblePerParticipant": false,
                    "visiblePerBooking": true,
                    "fieldType": "String"
                    "label": "Certification level",
                    "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                    "requiredPerBooking": false,
                    "visiblePerParticipant": true,
                    "visiblePerBooking": false,
                    "fieldType": "String"
                    "label": "Certification number",
                    "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                    "requiredPerBooking": false,
                    "visiblePerParticipant": true,
                    "visiblePerBooking": false,
                    "fieldType": "String"
                    "label": "Certification agency",
                    "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                    "requiredPerBooking": false,
                    "visiblePerParticipant": true,
                    "visiblePerBooking": false,
                    "listOptions": "PADI\r\nSSI\r\nSDI",
                    "fieldType": "List"
            "latitude": -28.6113488,
            "longitude": 153.629085,
            "confirmMode": "AUTOCONFIRM",
            "confirmModeMinParticipants": 0,
            "agentPaymentType": "FULL_AGENT",
            "maxCommissionPercent": 10.0,
            "commissionIncludesExtras": true,
            "dateCreated": "2025-08-30T23:49:55Z",
            "minimumNoticeMinutes": 1440,
            "durationMinutes": 180,
            "dateUpdated": "2025-08-31T00:12:33Z",
            "pickupId": 475,
            "locationAddress": {
                "addressLine": "Julien rocks",
                "postCode": "",
                "city": "Byron Bay",
                "state": "",
                "countryCode": "au",
                "latitude": -28.6113488,
                "longitude": 153.629085
            "languages": [
            "tags": [
            "waitListingEnabled": false,
            "isApiBookingSupported": true

The response includes a few important attributes that you will need to make a booking:

  • Price options: You can see there are 2 price options, with different labels (Adult, Student). When you make a booking you should send the exact same label in the Quantity.optionLabel attribute. You do not need to store or send priceOption Ids.
  • Agent Payment Type: This defines the payment rules for this product, and impacts the required data to create a booking (see below). Each supplier can set their payment conditions when they share rates with an agent. PAYOUTS means an automated payment, where Rezdy automatically split the customer’s payment between supplier and agent, based on commission settings. Other types require manual reconciliation between agent and supplier outside of Rezdy. The agentPaymentType value can be one of these:
    • PAYOUTS – Rezdy Automated payment: Full payment is required at time of booking and it is automatically split and paid to supplier and agent. This requires a Stripe token to be sent alongside the booking, see RezdyPay and Automated payments processing.
    • FULL_AGENT – Full payment to an agent at the time of booking. Manual reconciliation between agent and supplier outside of Rezdy.
    • DOWNPAYMENT – Commission payment to an agent at the time of booking. The balance is usually paid by the customer to the supplier on the day of the tour
    • FULL_SUPPLIER – Full payment to a supplier at the time of booking. Manual reconciliation between supplier and agent outside of Rezdy.
    • NONE – No payment required at time of booking, no payment tracked on Rezdy.
  • Max commission net rate / Max commission percent: Response contains one of the two fields maxCommissionPercent or maxCommissionNetRate.
    • maxCommissionPercent – Maximum commission % you can receive as an agent when the supplier set up a percentage for this product
    • maxCommissionNetRate – Maximum commission amount you can receive as an agent when the supplier set up a net rate for this product
  • Booking Fields: This is a list of the various fields suppliers require when making a booking. Some fields can be required once per booking and should be added to the Booking.fields[] array. Others can be required once per participant and should be added to the BookingItem[].participants[].fields[] array for each participant.

Search availability

Once you have product details, the next step is to retrieve and cache products availability GET /availability endpoint to load availability.

Example Request

GET 00:00:00&endTimeLocal=2025-11-01 00:00:00

This loads all the available sessions for product with code PWQF1Y for the whole month of October in the supplier’s local timezone.

It is possible to load availability for multiple products in a single request. Simply add multiple productCode attributes to the request:

GET 00:00:00&endTimeLocal=2025-10-03 00:00:00

We recommend using startTimeLocal and endTimeLocal attributes, instead of startTime and endTime. These older attributes required you to send the timezone as part of your request.


Example Response

    "requestStatus": {
        "success": true,
        "version": "v1"
    "sessions": [
            "id": 2788381,
            "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
            "startTime": "2021-10-01T23:00:00Z",
            "endTime": "2021-10-02T02:00:00Z",
            "startTimeLocal": "2021-10-02 09:00:00",
            "endTimeLocal": "2021-10-02 12:00:00",
            "allDay": false,
            "seats": 50,
            "seatsAvailable": 50,
            "priceOptions": [
                    "price": 250.0,
                    "label": "Adult",
                    "id": 929159,
                    "seatsUsed": 1,
                    "productCode": "PWQF1Y"
                    "price": 200.0,
                    "label": "Student",
                    "id": 929160,
                    "seatsUsed": 1,
                    "productCode": "PWQF1Y"

Important information here is:

  • startTimeLocal: This is the localized session time you need to send when making a booking for a specific session.
  • seatsAvailable: This is the number of seats available for that specific session.
  • startTime: It is also possible to use timezone-independent session start time for the product booking. However, only one of the fields startTime or startTimeLocal can be used in the booking request, therefore it is up to you to choose which way is more convenient for your client-side code. See the Dates format section for details.

Create booking

Now when you built and cached products and availability with a price that you are interested in reselling, the next step is a checkout flow.

When a customer selects a specific time and checks out, you should verify real-time availability of the chosen session. Similarly, as the step above, except startTimeLocal and endTimeLocal will be set as the customer's chosen time. In the example we assume customer selecting a tour starting at 9:00 am local time on the 1st of October.

GET 09:00:00&endTimeLocal=2025-10-01 09:00:00

If the seats are still available, you can create a booking in Rezdy by calling the POST /bookings endpoint.

The following request creates a simple booking for 1 Adult for the product we previously loaded. It’s a $250 booking for November 3rd at 9:00AM in Sydney, with a full payment to agent recorded. That means you charged the customer outside Rezdy, on your own website/gateway. You record that payment in the booking for a record keeping purpose only, but Rezdy will not process any payment in this case.

When a product is set up with agentPaymentType=PAYOUTS, follow the booking flow and payload described in RezdyPay and Automated payments processing

For the sake of simplicity, the example does not cover participant booking fields, order booking fields, pickups and other booking features, but make sure to support them in a real case scenario too as they might be an essential part for many suppliers.

Example Request

    "customer": {
        "firstName": "Rick",
        "lastName": "Sanchez",
        "phone": "+61484123456"
    "items": [
            "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
            "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 09:00:00",
            "quantities": [
                    "optionLabel": "Adult",
                    "value": 1
    "payments": [
            "amount": 250,
            "type": "CASH",
            "recipient": "AGENT",
            "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo company"

Update booking

PUT /bookings endpoint allows you to amend or provide additional information to an existing booking.

The example below updates the reseller booking reference, comments, customer pickup location and participant booking fields.

Example Request

    "resellerReference ": "123456789",
    "resellerComments": "Here come agent comments that are visible to both booking agent and supplier",
    "orderNumber": "RKQ0687",
    "status": "CONFIRMED",
    "supplierId": 13398,
    "supplierName": "API specification demo supplier (DO NOT EDIT)",
    "supplierAlias": "apispecificationdemosupplierdonotedit",
    "resellerId": 13399,
    "resellerName": "API specification demo agent (DO NOT EDIT)",
    "resellerAlias": "apispecificationdemoagentdonotedit",
    "customer": {
        "id": 29665,
        "firstName": "Rick",
        "lastName": "Sanchez",
        "name": "Rick Sanchez",
        "phone": "+61484123456"
    "items": [
                "locationName": "Divers hotel"  
            "productName": "Double dive with sharks",
            "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
            "startTime": "2025-09-30T23:00:00Z",
            "endTime": "2025-10-01T02:00:00Z",
            "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 09:00:00",
            "endTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 12:00:00",
            "quantities": [
                    "optionLabel": "Adult",
                    "optionPrice": 250.0,
                    "value": 1
            "totalQuantity": 1,
            "amount": 250.0,
            "extras": [],
            "participants": [
                    "fields": [
                            "label": "First Name",
                            "value": "Rick"
                            "label": "Last Name",
                            "value": "Sanchez"
                            "label": "Certification level",
                            "value":"Open Water"
                            "label": "Certification number",
                            "label": "Certification agency",
            "subtotal": 250.0
    "totalAmount": 250.0,
    "totalCurrency": "AUD",
    "totalPaid": 250.0,
    "totalDue": 0.0,
    "dateCreated": "2025-09-07T00:21:22Z",
    "dateConfirmed": "2025-09-07T00:21:22.107Z",
    "datePaid": "2025-09-07T00:21:22.098Z",
    "payments": [
            "type": "CASH",
            "amount": 250.0,
            "currency": "AUD",
            "date": "2025-09-07T00:21:22.224Z",
            "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo company",
            "recipient": "RESELLER"
    "fields": [
            "label": "Barcode",
            "value": "RKQ0687"
    "source": "MARKETPLACE_PREF_RATE",
    "resellerSource": "API",
    "commission": 25.0,
    "vouchers": [],
    "barcodeType": "QR_CODE"

Cancel booking

To cancel a booking use DELETE /bookings endpoint as in example below with an empty request body.

Example Request


2 steps booking

Note: This feature is disabled by default. Please contact Rezdy Support if you want to enable it.

Two steps booking flow is useful for minimising availability errors during a customer checkout, thereby achieving a better customer experience.

Typical flow with 2 steps booking process follow these steps:

  1. create a reservation: call Rezdy API to create a reservation (an order with PROCESSING status) upon a customer cart checkout. This will create an order, which holds reserved product's session's availability for at least 60 minutes or until cancelled.
  2. confirm/cancel it: process customer information or payment in your portal. Once done, call Rezdy to confirm the booking (set status to CONFIRMED). Alternatively, cancel the reservation to free the availability when checkout process was abandoned or failed. If it's not done manually, Rezdy will do so after 60 minutes.

Example requests to do a 2 steps booking are similar to a standard create and update booking, the only difference is how we set a field status

Create a reservation - a booking in the PROCESSING status:

    "status": "PROCESSING", 
    "customer": {

Confirm a reservation - update the booking RKM1ULT to CONFIRMED status:

    "status": "CONFIRMED", 
    "customer": {

Note: If a product confirmMode is not set as AUTOCONFIRM the resulting order status might not be CONFIRMED. An order can end up with a PENDING_SUPPLIER status. Another case is, if the used payment option requires customer to process a payment in a third party provider, such as PayPal. In such case the status will be PENDING_CUSTOMER

Alternatively, to free up the reserved availability, update a booking RKM1ULT to CANCELLED or ABANDONED_CART status, the later option will cause the order to be hidden from UI screens:

    "status": "CANCELLED", 
    "customer": {

Automated and Manual payments

A booking request is slightly different when using manual versus automated payment.

Automated payment must be used for booking a product without having any negotiated rate with the product's supplier, or when the supplier has explicitly chosen to use automated payments with a negotiated rate. For more details about the payment types see the articles about Rezdy Marketplace. Similar booking flow and payload is used to charge a customer credit card using RezdyPay payment gateway (or deprecated StripeConnect payment gateway).

Manual payment booking request

For manual payments (payment taken by the agent, not processed through Rezdy), you must send a "payments" field with details of the payment, for the booking to be marked as fully paid:

  "payments": [
      "type": "CASH",
      "amount": "200",
      "currency": "USD",
      "date": "2025-10-01T10:26:00Z",
      "label": "Payment processed by Rezdy Demo account"

RezdyPay and Automated payments bookings

To process a credit card payment using RezdyPay gateway or automated payment bookings. Which are essentially the following configurations:

  1. A product is set up with agentPaymentType=PAYOUTS. Full payment must be processed through Rezdy.
  2. A product is set up with any manual payment type and you want process a credit card payment using RezdyPay gateway.

RezdyPay payment gateway uses Stripe as an underlying payment provider to process payments though Rezdy platform account, using your Stripe account as a charge destination using Stripe Charge API. Therefore, you will need to implement an extra call directly to Stripe, before calling Rezdy Booking API.

Charge flow

Use the following 2 calls booking flow:

1. Request a Stripe card token, by sending the customer’s credit card details directly from the customer's browser to Stripe.

You must use a client-side library (Checkout, Elements, or mobile libraries) to perform this process, client-side. You must NOT use the Stripe API. Use Rezdy’s Stripe publishable key (see below) in your request, for the token to be generated on Rezdy’s account. The card is not charged at this stage.

Rezdy’s Stripe publishable keys are:

Staging environment: pk_test_51KW8A8ItvA6u4On8YM6AE95ytcqBr0LeRBEEFw4f5MDQPTDBWVt2TAWXhfynCn7NUVwaGc2eP431DNCkmfMaB0AF00firEVJ58  
Production environment: pk_live_51H4gSPHO6p5n6bFnuGRLb84FCiptIUAwmgYaBubvp5A09HujFx54ExvLkXOufEcqrHsaCWvnmZfO33efkIFVbpIv00PkoJDRDA  

Staging environment keys are usable on Production environment key must be used on

2. Call POST /bookings service, but do not include any booking payments data. You must instead send a creditCard.cardToken parameter that is Stripe’s generated token (id field from Stripe’s API response). Rezdy will confirm the booking, consume the token by processing the payment and record payment on the booking object.

    "creditCard": {
        "cardToken": "tok_1234zczx9xyzbkBzxcNoabcdef"

Any payment passed in the "payments" field in this case, are considered as payments processed by the agent. E.g. agent discounts given to a customer, and only reduce the agent's commission. This can result in an error "The selling price is too low to cover agent commission.", if the amount after discount/external payment is lower than the supplier's net price + automatic payment booking fee.

Details about the agent discounts.

Commission calculation and agent discounts

Call service GET bookings/quote to obtain a quote for an order. You can pass the same booking object in the quote request as for the POST booking. The service calculates the order amount, commission, etc. the same way as the booking service. See a sample service response with an explanation below (some unrelated fields were omitted in this booking object)

quote response

Commission calculation

The commission calculation depends on a couple of things.

Firstly, we look for negotiated rates a supplier sent to the agent. If no rates were shared, the supplier's marketplace rates will be used.

For each product, the commission rate can either be a Percentage, or a Net rate.

The total commission for the booking is a sum of the commissions calculated for each booked item (different commission calculation can be applied on each item)

If supplier specified Net Rate commission for the booked item product, the commission is calculated as a difference between the price and the net rate. E.g.

item amount = $100,
net rate = $85
item commission = $15

If supplier specified Percentage commission, the commission is the specified percentage of the amount.

item amount = $100,
percentage = 20%
item commission = $20

Supplier can choose, if the Percentage commission includes extras, in such case, the calculation is:

items amount = $100,
item extras amount = $50
percentage = 20%
item commission = $30

Item commission is the real commission amount, which agent receives, if the automated payments were used, the Rezdy booking fee is not included in the item commission. The item commission will calculated as follow:

item amount = $100,
Rezdy fee = 5%
percentage = 20%

item commission (calculated commission - Rezdy fee) = $15

Commission with custom price

Supplier can allow agents to override item amount. In that case, an agent can specify an amount for each booked item, in the booking request.

amount override

If the booking is made by an agent, the commission is adjusted by the price difference:

item catalog price= $100,
item amount (overridden by agent) = $105,
net rate = $85
item commission (item amount - net rate) = $20 

In the case of percentage commission:

item catalog price= $100,
item amount (overridden by agent) = $105,
percentage = 20%
item commission (percentage commission - (item amount - item catalog price)) = $25

Price override can be used to provide agent discounts for a product as well, same formulas apply:

item catalog price= $100,
item amount (overridden by agent, $5 discount) = $95,
net rate = $85
item commission (item amount - net rate) = $10 

There are a few additional rules which apply for the overridden amount:

If manual payments are used, agent can specify arbitrary amount, but the total commission will be adjusted, so the amount will never be less then 0.

If automated payments are used, the amount as has to be at least as high, that the calculated agent commission amount (commission minus Rezdy Fee) will not be negative. A booking request will lower amount will fail.

Agent discounts

(applicable for bookings using automated payments only)

There might be situations when you as an agent would like to provide a discount for a booking. E.g. to make a promotion by issuing agent vouchers. Agent discounts will not affect the amount of money, the supplier receive from the booking, they will only lower the commission - similar as lowering the price with the custom price. Advantage is, it's working with the all products with automated payment, the supplier does not need to allow agents to override item amount.

To do a booking with the agent discount, specify all discount payments in the "payments" section.

Sample booking request with $5 agent discount:

discount payment

Commission with the agent discount

item catalog price= $100,
discount payments = $5,
net rate = $85
item commission (item amount - net rate - discount payments) = $10

Supporting different booking Modes

There are 3 modes how a product tours can be scheduled in Rezdy, they are called booking modes. It's necessary to take into account the differences between them, for displaying a product availability and making a booking using public API.

These 3 booking modes are:

  1. NO_DATE Do not ask for any date (I.e. open tickets valid 6 months from purchase date)
  2. DATE_ENQUIRY Require a date but the customer can choose any. There's no availability check.
  3. INVENTORY Require pre-populated availability (date+time)


In case of the NO_DATE products, there is no need to specify booking date and time in a booking request. (However there won't be an error if the startTime or startTimeLocal is specified in a booking request, it just won't be used)

We generate a fake session for the NO_DATE products into GET /availability response, the session startTimeLocal will be midnight and there will be always 999 seats available:

"startTimeLocal": "2016-07-01 00:00:00",  
"seats": 999,  


For the DATE_ENQUIRY products, the booking date and time is required, however there can be any booking date specified. For a booking time, it's a bit more tricky. Those products can be configured to accept any time or just predefined times. How to recognize, if any time is accepted?

We generate a session for DATE_ENQUIRY products into GET /availability response. If the product accept the any time booking, the session startTimeLocal will be a midnight - 00:00:00 time. Otherwise there will be a session for each predefined time.

Availability response - the DATE_ENQUIRY product, which accepts any time booking:

"startTimeLocal": "2016-06-01 00:00:00",  
"seats": 999,  

Availability response - the DATE_ENQUIRY product with predefined list of booking times (7:00 and 9:00 a.m.):

    "startTimeLocal": "2016-05-31 07:00:00",  
    "seats": 999,  
    "startTimeLocal": "2016-05-31 09:00:00",  
    "seats": 999,  


This mode is used by most of the products. It means the availability is defined by scheduled sessions. The booking date and time have to match a session startTime.

GET /availability response of INVENTORY mode products, will contain the list of scheduled sessions with a start time and seats available as the supplier scheduled:

"startTimeLocal": "2016-07-01 09:00:00",  
"seats": 20,  

Providing customer with pickups

Once a pickup is configured for a certain product, the product detail will contain a field pickupId. The Id value is not required for further use in other API calls (it's for the future purpose), for now on it just means the pickups are configured for this product.

For example: 


  "requestStatus": {  
    "success": true,  
    "version": "v1"  
  "products": [  
      "productCode": "PWQF1Y",  
      "pickupId": 475,  

To retrieve configured pickup for the product, with a list of all pickup location, call the service method below:


    "requestStatus": {
        "success": true,
        "version": "v1"
    "pickupLocations": [
            "locationName": "Divers hotel",
            "address": "Cape Byron, Byron Bay NSW, Australia",
            "latitude": -28.6473671,
            "longitude": 153.601977,
            "minutesPrior": 30,
            "additionalInstructions": "Please be ready 15 minute before the pickup time in the hotel lobby area."
            "locationName": "Seaside hostel",
            "address": "Main Beach, Byron Bay NSW, Australia",
            "latitude": -28.6412831,
            "longitude": 153.6166691,
            "minutesPrior": 20,
            "additionalInstructions": "Please be ready 15 minute before the pickup time in front of the hostel."

To specify a pickup location for a booking, you just need to send one locationName field value of one of the locations from pickupLocations list.



            "productCode": "PWQF1Y",  
            "startTimeLocal": "2025-08-11 14:00:00",  
                    "optionLabel": "Adult",  
                    "value": "1"  
                "locationName": "Divers hotel"  

System will store the pickup location, calculate pickup time and return the pickup instructions.


  "requestStatus": {  
    "success": true,  
    "version": "v1"  
  "booking": {  
    "orderNumber": "R3MPR7Z",  
    "items": [  
        "productName": "DEMO - One day SCUBA diving",  
        "productCode": "PKVT0E",  
        "startTime": "2016-07-11T04:00:00Z",  
        "pickupLocation": {  
          "locationName": "Maroubra Beach",  
          "address": "Maroubra Beach, New South Wales, Australia",  
          "pickupTime": "2016-07-11 13:05:00",  
          "pickupInstructions": "In front of the Maroubra seal surfing club building.\r\nPlease be ready 15 minutes before pickup time."  

It is also possible to specify a custom pickup location (should be discussed with the product supplier if this option is feasible):


            "productCode": "PWQF1Y",  
            "startTimeLocal": "2025-08-11 14:00:00",  
                    "optionLabel": "Adult",  
                    "value": "1"  
                "locationName": "Hotel by the sea"  

In this case system stores the pickup location (naturally, it can't calculate the other fields like pickup time or address) and returns the custom pickup location instructions (if specified by the supplier).


  "requestStatus": {  
    "success": true,  
    "version": "v1"  
  "booking": {  
    "orderNumber": "R3MPR7Z",  
    "items": [  
        "productName": "DEMO - One day SCUBA diving",  
        "productCode": "PKVT0E",  
        "startTime": "2016-07-11T04:00:00Z",  
        "pickupLocation": {  
            "locationName": "Hotel by the sea",
            "pickupInstructions": "Call us on +61123456 to arrange a pickup from a custom pickup request not listed among the pickup locations.\r\nPlease be ready 15 minute before the pickup time."  

Using Booking Fields

Please note that we are now enforcing validations on Booking Fields that are being sent through our API. Not only the mandatory fields, but also the format matching their type.

Booking Field Types

Every booking field has a certain type (see bookingFields.fieldType) and their value has to be formatted accordingly. An exception is a string, when the booking field value is a free text.

The bookingFields.fieldType is one of:

  • String
  • Phone
  • List
  • Date
  • Boolean

The following booking field types need to have specific values.


This field must contain a boolean value. Accepted values are 1, 0, TRUE, FALSE, YES, NO (case insensitive matching)

    "label": "I agree to receive marketing emails",
    "value": "true"


This field must be a ISO-8601 date only format yyyy-MM-dd e.g. 1991-01-01

    "label": "Date of Birth",
    "value": "1991-01-01"


This field must be in an international format +41 44 668 18 00, or E164 format +41446681800

    "label": "Mobile",
    "value": "+61484123456"


List types need to match one of the predefined values, common list types are the following:


This field must be in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes format e.g. Australia -> au, United States -> us (case insensitive matching)

    "label": "Country",
    "value": "AU"

Valid genders that are accepted through our API will be: MALE and FEMALE. (case insensitive matching)

    "label": "Gender",
    "value": "MALE"

Valid titles that are accepted through our API will be: MR, MS, MRS, MISS. (case insensitive matching)

    "label": "Title",
    "value": "MISS"

Suppressing customer notification emails

You are able to suppress Rezdy's notifications to customers when creating or cancelling a booking. You can then send emails & SMS from your own system instead.

To disable them, send the flag "sendNotifications" = "false" in the booking object in POST /bookings e.g.:

    "customer": {},
    "items": [],
    "sendNotifications": false

The flag is only used per request and is not stored.

To suppress notifications when cancelling a booking, you must set it as query parameter in the cancellation request:

DELETE /bookings/{orderNumber}?sendNotifications=false

It is not possible to disable Rezdy's notifications to suppliers and agents. Only the customer notifications can be disabled.

Note: Rezdy emails may include QR codes (if enabled by supplier), which suppliers can use to check-in participants using our mobile apps, see (QR Code Scanner ). If you decide to use your own emails, the booking QR code should be included in the e-mails. The QR code is the Rezdy orderNumber.

API and Widgets integration

The Rezdy API does not expose internal product Ids. You can only use Rezdy-generated product codes, which always start with P, e.g. PVGNQX. However, booking forms use internal product Ids in booking page URLs and widgets, e.g.

If you need to load product data from the API and then link to the booking form for checkout, you can use the product codes. These 2 URLs will load the same page:

You can therefore use API product codes for booking form product pages, by using this url:



Released changes:


Added new error codes


In order to support automated commissions payout via Stripe recipient only account, RezdyPay on staging environment has switched to a new US-based Stripe test account, and the Stripe publishable key for staging environment has changed. The key for production environment remains the same.

Staging environment: pk_test_51KW8A8ItvA6u4On8YM6AE95ytcqBr0LeRBEEFw4f5MDQPTDBWVt2TAWXhfynCn7NUVwaGc2eP431DNCkmfMaB0AF00firEVJ58


A new flag isMultiProductBookingSupported has been exposed in product endpoint responses. This will allow agents to distinguish if they can allow multiple product checkout, or just do a single product per booking calls.


Rezdy API specification split into agent and supplier portal.


RezdyPay payment gateway has been upgraded and Rezdy uses a new Stripe platform account, to process automated payment bookings, or manual payment bookings with credit card charged though RezdyPay. As a result, new publishable keys need to be used to create a Stripe token.

Staging environment: pk_test_5nODbTMiGQCMOHg0Nt5LzQUV00CcWuIksX  
Production environment: pk_live_51H4gSPHO6p5n6bFnuGRLb84FCiptIUAwmgYaBubvp5A09HujFx54ExvLkXOufEcqrHsaCWvnmZfO33efkIFVbpIv00PkoJDRDA  

More details are in RezdyPay and Automated payments processing article


  • New product isApiBookingSupported field has been added to Product response model.

It provides a convenient way to find out if a product booking is supported via API. Some product types or pricing types or their combinations are not supported in API. If you are planning to implement a booking flow via API, you should filter out the products, if the value of this field is set as false.


  • Order level barcodes are now supported, this will always be present as an element in the fields attribute of the Booking model.
    "orderNumber": "R12345",
    "fields": [
            "label": "Barcode",
            "value": "6000125341"


  • POST /products/{productCode} and PUT /products/{productCode} can now create "Hidden" booking fields. Hidden booking fields will not be shown to the customer during the booking and are intended for internal use.
  • See Create Product Request (Check Supplier API Portal) and Update Product Request (Check Supplier API Portal)


  • POST /products/{productCode} and PUT /products/{productCode} now has the ability to determine how to output barcodes when a booking is created for that product. This can be achieved by populating the barcodeOutputType field. Current values support are:
    • PARTICIPANT: Barcodes will be generated per participant when the product has been booked
    • ORDER: Barcodes will be generated only for the order when the product has been booked
  • See ResponseProduct for more field description


  • GET /bookings/{orderNumber} now returns barcodeType which specifies the format in which the booking barcodes are in. Rezdy supports "TEXT", "QR_CODE", "CODE_39", "CODE_128", "EAN_8", "EAN_13", "ITF".


  • A booking reseller and a supplier can use PUT /bookings/{orderNumber} to update resellerReference and pickup locationName fields


  • Updating product price options are now possible through the PUT /products/{productCode} endpoint


  • RezdyConnect specification is no longer part of Public API, it has been upgraded and moved to RezdyConnect (2.0.0) portal


  • Product update service now supports internalCode update



  • Agents are allowed to update resellerReference field in PUT /bookings/{orderNumber}



  • Api key can be send as HTTP header named apiKey instead of a query parameter e.g. apiKey: abcd123


  • New fields have been exposed in Product responses including:
    • qrCodeType
    • waitListingEnabled
  • See ResponseProduct for more field description



  • Booking search service now supports filtering by date created Please note that the createdSince parameter has been deprecated. Use minDateCreated to include bookings that were created after or on this date. Use maxDateCreated to include bookings that were created before or on this date.
  • Booking responses will now show Supplier Alias and Agent Alias.


  • Booking search service now includes bookings in PROCESSING status in the result list. The PROCESSING status can be used in a supplier's API integration for 2 steps booking process, when a temporal reservation is created to hold availability. The PROCESSING bookings are normally released after 60 minutes, if they are not confirmed.


  • New Extra CRUD endpoint and service. A product now can have Extras added to it.


  • New product configurations supported in the product create service, including custom booking field types and product fixed price. See updated Create products article (Check Supplier API Portal)


  • You should now use the same Stripe publishable key for all currencies, when generating tokens for automated payments. We will accept old keys until at least until 30 November 2018, but please migrate to the new keys below:

    TEST: pk_test_wGcSehTxQDTLoMRVl6Gv45zy
    PROD: pk_live_zKs28ywqmpH5K6Vz9moNGwiM


  • New fields supported in product update service including confirmMode, confirmModeMinParticipants, minimumNoticeMinutes, durationMinutes


  • New endpoints for creating (Check Supplier API Portal), updating (Check Supplier API Portal) and retrieving pickup lists accompanied by a new PickupList model
  • Added support for setting a pickup for a product through creating and updating products. To add a pickup list to a product simply: * 1. Create a pick up list * 2. Specify the pickupId in ProductCreateRequest (Check Supplier API Portal and ProductUpdateRequest (Check Supplier API Portal)
  • All taxes and fees applied to a booking item will be now exposed through the totalItemTax field as part of the Booking "items" field.
  • Added support for taxes/fees associated with a specific product. This field is available through get product


  • Validation for booking field types such as Date of birth, Country, Gender, Title, Marketing are now enforced. Those values that do not comply will not be saved, but rather be appended to the booking comments. See the expected booking fields format


  • Product cancellationPolicyDays field will now only be shown for marketplace products.
  • Product cancellationPolicyDays for products that are shared between agents with AUTOMATED payments will still be shown


  • New product tag filters for search marketplace products. The product tags are part of the product model and can be retrieved via product search/get services.


  • New endpoints for suppliers to manage product rates (Check Supplier API Portal)


  • Product update service now supports updating product terms & conditions


  • New field resellerReference added to booking object. It is designed to hold the booking number in an agent system, when it is different from the Rezdy booking number.



  • Test API endpoints have changed to be more consistent with our production environment:
  • In accordance with Stripe's PCI Compliance requirements, Stripe tokens generated to process Automated payments must use a client-side library. You must use Checkout, Elements, or mobile libraries to perform this process, client-side. Tokens generated via API will no longer be accepted.


  • Allow PUT /bookings/{orderNumber} to update resellerComments field


  • Added services to create and update products:

    • create a product: POST /products
    • delete a product: DELETE /products/{productCode}
    • add a product image: POST /products/{productCode}/images
    • delete a product image: DELETE /products/{productCode}/images/{imageId}

    More details in this article.

  • Added information about visible – optional product booking fields: "visiblePerParticipant": true|false, "visiblePerBooking": true|false to BookingFields model

  • Booking update, for manual payment bookings. Currently, these fields can be updated using the API:

    • customer – all customer data can be updated
    • "per order" booking fields – all values can be updated, added or deleted
    • "per participant" booking fields – all values can be updated, added or deleted
    • order status – only supplier’s for suppliers

    More details in this article.


  • Search products by languages


  • Supplier’s promocodes and vouchers redemption supported in a booking request and quote calculation


  • Added new field commissionIncludesExtras to Product – Flag if agent receive commission from extras, or not


  • Support for agent payments for automated payments agents bookings – all payments in the booking request, will reduce the agent commission.
  • Support for agent price override for automated payments agents bookings – if the item amount is specified, the agent commission is adjusted by the difference between the catalog and agent price.


  • Added product additionalInformation to Product data model – Additional information for the product, that should be sent after a booking is completed (i.e. by email) to the customer. Useful for integration, when manual control of the entire customer booking experience is wanted, and the automatic confirmation e-mail from Rezdy had been suppressed.


  • Automated payments agents bookings, now show Commission without Rezdy Fee in the response.


  • sendNotifications field is now supported in DELETE /bookings/{orderNumber} too
  • added new search parameter updatedSince to GET /bookings – Only load bookings updated after this time


  • Added new fields to show links between Vouchers and Orders.
    • GET /bookings shows the voucher numbers + statuses, that were generated when the order was created and created gift card.
    • GET /vouchers shows the "source" order of the voucher.


  • Removed the "3 months max range" rule when requesting availability.
  • Default pagination limit increased to 100 instead of 30 in all search services using pagination


  • Pickups support:
    • Added new service method GET /products/{productCode}/pickups to list pickup locations.
    • Added pickupLocation to BookingItem data model, to specify the pickup location name when creating a booking and display pickup address, time and instructions in the booking response.
  • Added product locationAddress to Product data model.


  • Added new fields value and valueType to Voucher (Check Supplier API Portal) data model.


  • TRANSFER product types without return can be booked through the Public API


  • Added new Company endpoint with service:
    • GET /companies/{companyAlias} – Retrieve Company details by it’s alias
  • Added minimumNoticeMinutes field to Product data model – Minimum book ahead interval for the product in minutes.


  • Added new Resources endpoint with services:

    • GET /resources – Retrieve all supplier resources.
    • GET /resources/session – Retrieve resources assigned to the session.
    • GET /resources/{resourceId}/sessions – Retrieves all sessions for a specified resource within the start/end datetime range.
    • PUT /resources/{resourceId}/session/{sessionId} – Add a resource to a session.
    • DELETE /resources/{resourceId}/session/{sessionId} – Removes a resource from a session.
  • New service methods in Manifest endpoint:

    • PUT /manifest/checkinSession – Store Check-in / No show flag for everyone in a specified session.
    • PUT /manifest/checkinOrderSession – Place Check-in a / No show flag for the specified order item.
    • DELETE /manifest/checkinSession – Remove Check-in / No show flag from everyone in the whole session.
    • DELETE /manifest/checkinOrderSession – Remove Check-in / No show flag for the specified order item.
  • Added duration fields to Product data model

  • Support of orderStatus field in supplier’s Booking request (Check Supplier API Portal)


  • Added localized date/time fields: startTimeLocal and endTimeLocal can be used to search and display availability in the supplier’s timezone.
  • Added new fields to Product data model: dateCreated and dateUpdated. Also added updatedSince attribute to GET /products/marketplace endpoint
  • Added new fields to Product data model when calling GET /products/marketplace as an agent: cancellationPolicyDays. This is only used for Automated Payments (agentPaymentType = PAYOUTS)
  • Added search by supplierAlias to GET /products/marketplace endpoint
  • Added automatic refund when canceling an Automated payments booking


  • Added support for DATE_ENQUIRY and NO_DATE booking modes for /availability and /bookings calls. When calling /availability for these products, one session per day will always be returned.
  • Added new fields to Product data model: confirmModeMinParticipants
  • Added new fields to Product data model when calling GET /products/marketplace as an agent: agentPaymentType, maxCommissionPercent, maxCommissionNetRate

2015-07-27 – Marketplace release

  • The API service /products/partners has been deprecated and replaced by a new service /products/marketplace with many more filters.
  • Some constants were renamed, especially Order source PARTNERS to MARKETPLACE_PREF_RATE, and COMMUNITY to MARKETPLACE.


  • Added support for multiple product codes to the GET /availability endpoint. Use "&productCode=P11111&productCode=P22222&productCode=P33333" to request availability for multiple products in the same request


  • Added images to Extras


  • New endpoint to validate a booking and calculate totals before it’s created: POST /bookings/quote
  • Added support for Credit Card payments to the POST /bookings endpoint
  • Fixed incorrect min/max quantities for DOUBLE, TRIPLE and QUAD price options



  • Fix an issue with mandatory fields required "once per booking".


  • Added currency attribute to products


  • Fix group price options. Use correct label and show min/max participant values for each group price.


  • New Category endpoint to load categories and products within categories. 3 new services are available:
    • GET /categories
    • GET /categories/{categoryId}
    • GET /categories/{categoryId}/products


  • Added new attributes to filter the GET /bookings results. You can now filter by product, booked date, and only load new bookings created since a set date.


  • Added validation and fixed issues with product Extras when making a new booking


  • Order source has been deprecated for new booking requests. Bookings created by API will now always have source=API. Availability will always be checked for API bookings and minimum bookahead rules will always be enforced. Mandatory fields will not be enforced for supplier bookings.
  • You can now use Booking.sendNotifications (true/false, default true) to control if automated notifications should be sent to the customer or not when making a new booking through the API.
  • New Availability endpoints for suppliers: Create/Delete/Update availability
  • Added pagination to calls that return multiple items. Defaults to 30 results, max 100 per request


  • Added timezone to Product resource (Product.timezone)
  • Added supplier general terms and conditions to Product resource (Product.generalTerms)
  • New Booking endpoint: DELETE /bookings/{orderNumber} will cancel a booking
  • Updated documentation


  • Added supplierId attribute to /products/partners to filter products by supplier
  • Simplify price option and quantity mapping when making bookings
  • Added confirmation mode to Product resource (Product.confirmMode)


Search marketplace products

Load products from the Rezdy Marketplace. Use this service to find products that are available for you to book.

query Parameters

set to true to only return products with a marketplace rate.


set to true to only return products with a negotiated rate. If both marketplaceRates and negotiatedRates are true, all products with a rate will be returned

Array of integers <int64> unique [ items <int64 > ]
Example: category=1

category ids of categories you'd like to get products from. Multiple values allowed &category=1&category=2

Array of strings unique
Example: language=en_au

if set filters only products suitable for the specified languages. Multiple values are allowed &language=en_au&language=sk.
Format of the language is ISO 639 two-letter code with BCP 47 language variants, separated by underscore e.g. en_au. use only 2 letters code in order to search all language variants, e.g. en, will retrieve all variants en_au, en_us, ...
It does not mean that a product description is necessarily in the specified language, but rather that a product is suitable for a customer speaking that particular language.

number <double>

Latitude to sort results from. When sending a center point lat/lng, we will return products up to 500km away, ordered by distance from that point.

number <double>

Longitude to sort results from.

integer <int32>

Minimum availability for the returned products, this will only return INVENTORY bookingMode products, which have any available session with the specified minimum quantity.

Example: startDate=2014-03-01T00:00:00Z

Optional date in ISO 8601 format, If a date is sent, this will only return INVENTORY bookingMode products, which have any session available at or after the specified startDate.


startDate time in supplier's local timezone, format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, for example 2014-03-01 00:00:00. Please note if startDate is provided, this local time value will be ignored


If true, this will only return products with an automated commission payment; if false, return products of non automated commission payment

Example: updatedSince=2014-03-01T00:00:00Z

date in ISO 8601 format, If a date is sent, this will only return products that were updated since the specified date. Note that when a product is created, it will be created in a number of steps, so the dateUpdated field is ALWAYS set. Therefore using the updatedSince will include all products that have been updated and/or created since the specified date/time.


updatedSince time in supplier's local timezone, format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, for example 2014-03-01 00:00:00. Please note if updatedSince is provided, this local time value will be ignored


String to search for. It will be searched in product name, product code and supplier company name.

integer <int64>

supplier id to limit results to a single supplier's products.


supplier alias to limit results to a single supplier's products. The Alias is part of the supplier's booking form URL, for example alias is "demo" in Alias is unique across Rezdy companies, but it is updatable, thus it can change over time.

integer <int32>

How many results are returned per request. Maximum is 100, which also a default, when not specified.

integer <int32>
Default: 0

Offset of the first result to return. Default to 0.

Array of strings unique

Tags belonging to a product. Each specified tag should be in the form TAGTYPE:TAGVALUE.
Valid TAGTYPES are

  • TYPE
  • AGE


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
Array of objects (Product)

Response samples

Content type

Filtered API specification demo supplier's products, using filter specification demo supplier


Get product

Load an existing product by Product Code

path Parameters
Example: P12345

Product Code to search for


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
object (Product)

Product object. Holds general details and settings of a specific tour, activity or event.

Response samples

Content type

Product PWQF1Y details


Get product pickups

Gets a list of pickup locations configured for this product.

path Parameters
Example: P12345

productCode Product Code to search for

query Parameters
integer <int32>

limit how many results are returned per request. Maximum is 100, which is also the default, when not specified.

integer <int32>
Default: 0

Offset of the first result to return. Default to 0.


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
Array of objects (PickupLocation)

Response samples

Content type

Product's PWQF1Y (Double dive with sharks) pickups:

  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "version": "v1"
  • "pickupLocations": [
    • {
      • "locationName": "Divers hotel",
      • "address": "Cape Byron, Byron Bay NSW, Australia",
      • "latitude": -28.6473671,
      • "longitude": 153.601977,
      • "minutesPrior": 30,
      • "additionalInstructions": "Please be ready 15 minute before the pickup time in the hotel lobby area."
    • {
      • "locationName": "Seaside hostel",
      • "address": "Main Beach, Byron Bay NSW, Australia",
      • "latitude": -28.6412831,
      • "longitude": 153.6166691,
      • "minutesPrior": 20,
      • "additionalInstructions": "Please be ready 15 minute before the pickup time in front of the hostel."


Search availability

This service returns availability information for a specific date range. The service response contains a list of sessions, including their availability and pricing details.

Pricing in the session can be different than the pricing of the products, in a case of a dynamic pricing when a supplier overrides a price for a specific session or a ticket type.

In case of multiple products sharing this session, a session will contain price overrides for all of the shared products. Therefore it is necessary to filer only the price options matching the chosen product code on the client side, when displaying available price options to a customer.

query Parameters
Array of strings unique
Example: productCode=P12345

Product code in format P12345. You can request multiple products productCode=P11111&productCode=P22222&productCode=P33333, which belong to a single supplier.

Example: startTime=2014-03-01T00:00:00Z

Start time in ISO 8601 format. It is required to have either startTime or startTimeLocal to define the start of the time window.

Example: endTime=2014-03-01T00:00:00Z

End time in ISO 8601 format. It is required to have either endTime or endTimeLocal to define the end of the time window.


Start time in supplier's local timezone, format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, for example 2014-03-01 00:00:00. Local times are not supported when querying multiple products from different suppliers. It is required to have either startTime or startTimeLocal to define the start of the time window.


End time in supplier's local timezone, format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, for example 2014-04-01 00:00:00. Local times are not supported when querying multiple products from different suppliers. It is required to have either endTime or endTimeLocal to define the end of the time window.

integer <int32>

only load availability for that quantity

integer <int32>

limit how many results are returned per request. Maximum is 100, which is also the default, when not specified.

integer <int32>
Default: 0

Offset of the first result to return. Default to 0.


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
Array of objects (Session)

Response samples

Content type

Get 2 days of product PWQF1Y availability: 00:00:00&endTimeLocal=2025-10-03 00:00:00

  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "version": "v1"
  • "sessions": [
    • {
      • "id": 2788078,
      • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
      • "startTime": "2025-09-30T23:00:00Z",
      • "endTime": "2025-10-01T02:00:00Z",
      • "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 09:00:00",
      • "endTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 12:00:00",
      • "allDay": false,
      • "seats": 50,
      • "seatsAvailable": 50,
      • "priceOptions": [
        • {
          • "price": 250,
          • "label": "Adult",
          • "id": 929159,
          • "seatsUsed": 1,
          • "productCode": "PWQF1Y"
        • {
          • "price": 200,
          • "label": "Student",
          • "id": 929160,
          • "seatsUsed": 1,
          • "productCode": "PWQF1Y"
    • {
      • "id": 2788381,
      • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
      • "startTime": "2025-10-01T23:00:00Z",
      • "endTime": "2025-10-02T02:00:00Z",
      • "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-02 09:00:00",
      • "endTimeLocal": "2025-10-02 12:00:00",
      • "allDay": false,
      • "seats": 50,
      • "seatsAvailable": 50,
      • "priceOptions": [
        • {
          • "price": 250,
          • "label": "Adult",
          • "id": 929159,
          • "seatsUsed": 1,
          • "productCode": "PWQF1Y"
        • {
          • "price": 200,
          • "label": "Student",
          • "id": 929160,
          • "seatsUsed": 1,
          • "productCode": "PWQF1Y"


Booking service to list, create and cancel bookings.

Search bookings

Search bookings in your account

query Parameters

Order status to filter results


String to search for. It will be searched in Order number, Customer name, Agent code and payment transaction codes (I.e. voucher Code).

Array of strings unique
Example: productCode=P12345

Product code, to only load bookings for a specific product. Multiple values allowed: &productCode=P11111&productCode=P22222

Example: minTourStartTime=2014-03-01T00:00:00Z

Only load bookings with a booked time that starts on or after this time. This is not the booking creation date, it is the booked date. ISO 8601 format

Example: maxTourStartTime=2014-03-01T00:00:00Z

Only load bookings with a booked time that starts before or on this time. This is not the booking creation date, it is the booked date. ISO 8601 format

Example: updatedSince=2014-03-01T00:00:00Z

Only load bookings updated after this time. ISO 8601 format. When an order is created, the dateCreated field is set to the current date and the dateUpdated field is empty.
Thus using updatedSince will return results of orders that have been updated since the specified date/time, but will not include orders that have been created and not updated.

Example: minDateCreated=2014-03-01T00:00:00Z

Only load bookings created on or after this date, whether they have been updated or not. ISO 8601 format

Example: maxDateCreated=2014-03-01T00:00:00Z

Only load bookings created on or before this date, whether they have been updated or not. ISO 8601 format.


Only load bookings with specified resellerReference

integer <int32>

How many results are returned per request. Maximum is 100, which also a default, when not specified.

integer <int32>
Default: 0

Offset of the first result to return.


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
Array of objects (Booking)

Response samples

Content type

Search confirmed bookings:

  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "version": "v1"
  • "bookings": [
    • {
      • "orderNumber": "RX1N6HC",
      • "status": "CONFIRMED",
      • "supplierId": 13398,
      • "supplierName": "API specification demo supplier (DO NOT EDIT)",
      • "supplierAlias": "apispecificationdemosupplierdonotedit",
      • "resellerId": 13399,
      • "resellerName": "API specification demo agent (DO NOT EDIT)",
      • "resellerAlias": "apispecificationdemoagentdonotedit",
      • "customer": {
        • "id": 29650,
        • "firstName": "Rick",
        • "lastName": "Sanchez",
        • "name": "Rick Sanchez",
        • "phone": "+61484123456"
      • "items": [
        • {
          • "productName": "Double dive with sharks",
          • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
          • "startTime": "2025-09-04T23:00:00Z",
          • "endTime": "2025-09-05T02:00:00Z",
          • "startTimeLocal": "2025-09-05 09:00:00",
          • "endTimeLocal": "2025-09-05 12:00:00",
          • "quantities": [
            • {
              • "optionLabel": "Adult",
              • "optionPrice": 250,
              • "value": 1
          • "totalQuantity": 1,
          • "amount": 250,
          • "extras": [ ],
          • "participants": [
            • {
              • "fields": [
                • {
                  • "label": "First Name",
                  • "value": "Rick"
                • {
                  • "label": "Last Name",
                  • "value": "Sanchez"
                • {
                  • "label": "Certification level"
                • {
                  • "label": "Certification number"
                • {
                  • "label": "Certification agency"
          • "subtotal": 250,
          • "pickupLocation": {
            • "locationName": "Hotel by the sea",
            • "pickupInstructions": "Call us on +61123456 to arrange a pickup from a custom pickup request not listed among the pickup locations.\r\nPlease be ready 15 minute before the pickup time."
      • "totalAmount": 250,
      • "totalCurrency": "AUD",
      • "totalPaid": 250,
      • "totalDue": 0,
      • "dateCreated": "2025-09-03T00:00:04Z",
      • "dateConfirmed": "2025-09-03T00:00:04Z",
      • "datePaid": "2025-09-03T00:00:04Z",
      • "payments": [
        • {
          • "type": "CASH",
          • "amount": 250,
          • "currency": "AUD",
          • "date": "2025-09-03T00:00:04Z",
          • "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo company",
          • "recipient": "RESELLER"
      • "fields": [
        • {
          • "label": "Barcode",
          • "value": "RX1N6HC"
      • "source": "MARKETPLACE_PREF_RATE",
      • "resellerSource": "API",
      • "commission": 25,
      • "vouchers": [ ],
      • "barcodeType": "QR_CODE"

Create booking

Create a new booking. Many of payload fields are not required and will be calculated if not specified. Please check the example request payloads for different booking scenarios.

Request Body schema: application/json

Order number. This is the number you should give to customers and print on booking confirmations. Order number is generated by the system, therefore, even if it is specified in the booking request, it will be overwritten.


Status of this booking

integer <int64>

Rezdy internal ID of the agent company attached to this booking

object (User)

Internal Rezdy user details. This is a Rezdy application user who belongs to a Rezdy agent or supplier company.

object (Customer)

The customer is the person making the booking, and most of the time paying for it.
It differs from Participants, who are the people attending a tour

Array of objects (BookingItemCreate)

List of items in this booking. A booking can contain multiple products. Each BookingItem is a separate product with its own set of quantities and participant details.

number <float>

Total booking amount

string <date-time>

Date this booking was fully paid

string <date-time>

Date this booking was reconciled with the agent


Special requirements entered by the customer. Visible to both customer and supplier.


Comments only visible internally by the supplier

Array of objects (BookingPayment)

List of payments recorded for this booking

object (CreditCard)

Credit card details.

Used to send payment details for a booking

Array of objects (BookingField)

List of custom fields that are required "once per booking" by all the products in this booking


Source of this booking viewed from the supplier


Referrer code


Source of this booking viewed from the agent


Agent code defined by the supplier


Comments only visible by the agent and the supplier. This should be used by the agent to send voucher numbers/redemption codes to suppliers.

number <float>

Credit card surcharge calculated for this booking

Array of strings

List of vouchers (Gift cards) that have been redeemed to pay for this booking


Promo code that has been applied to this booking


Payment option selected by the customer when making an online booking

Default: true

Flag to control if a booking confirmation email should be send to the customer after this booking is created.
This will also send other types of customer notifications when setup by the supplier (I.e. SMS, Gift cards)


External reseller reference, can be used to pass internal booking number. This reference will be shown to a supplier, also it will appear on reports and can be used to filter orders. Maxiumum number of characters is 30

Enum: "TEXT" "CODE_39" "CODE_128" "QR_CODE" "EAN_8" "EAN_13" "ITF"

Declares the redemption code format customers will receive if the booking was created with barcodes.


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
object (Booking)

Booking object. Lists all the possible fields for all product types and scenarios. Most of them are not required when sending a new booking.
A single Booking can be used to book multiple products, each of them being a BookingItem. All the products of one booking have to be from the same supplier.

Request samples

Content type

Example of creating a booking with API features including pickup, extras, order and participant level booking fields, reseller reference and comments

  • "resellerReference": "ORDER12345",
  • "resellerComments": "This comment is visible to both supplier and reseller",
  • "customer": {
    • "firstName": "Rick",
    • "lastName": "Sanchez",
    • "phone": "+61484123456",
    • "email": ""
  • "items": [
    • {
      • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
      • "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 09:00:00",
      • "quantities": [
        • {
          • "optionLabel": "Adult",
          • "value": 2
      • "extras": [
        • {
          • "name": "Underwater camera rental",
          • "quantity": 1
      • "participants": [
        • {
          • "fields": [
            • {
              • "label": "First Name",
              • "value": "Rick"
            • {
              • "label": "Last Name",
              • "value": "Sanchez"
            • {
              • "label": "Certification level",
              • "value": "Open Water"
            • {
              • "label": "Certification number",
              • "value": "123456798"
            • {
              • "label": "Certification agency",
              • "value": "PADI"
        • {
          • "fields": [
            • {
              • "label": "First Name",
              • "value": "Morty"
            • {
              • "label": "Last Name",
              • "value": "Smith"
            • {
              • "label": "Certification level",
              • "value": "Rescue Diver"
            • {
              • "label": "Certification number",
              • "value": "111222333"
            • {
              • "label": "Certification agency",
              • "value": "SDI"
    • {
      • "pickupLocation": {
        • "locationName": "Divers hotel"
  • "fields": [
    • {
      • "label": "Special Requirements",
      • "value": "Gluten free lunch for Morty"
  • "payments": [
    • {
      • "amount": 515,
      • "type": "CASH",
      • "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo"

Response samples

Content type

Example of creating a booking with API features including pickup, extras, order and participant level booking fields, reseller reference and comments, participant level barcodes

  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "version": "v1"
  • "booking": {
    • "orderNumber": "RYK4EM1",
    • "status": "CONFIRMED",
    • "supplierId": 13398,
    • "supplierName": "API specification demo supplier (DO NOT EDIT)",
    • "supplierAlias": "apispecificationdemosupplierdonotedit",
    • "resellerId": 13399,
    • "resellerName": "API specification demo agent (DO NOT EDIT)",
    • "resellerAlias": "apispecificationdemoagentdonotedit",
    • "customer": {
      • "id": 29769,
      • "firstName": "Rick",
      • "lastName": "Sanchez",
      • "name": "Rick Sanchez",
      • "email": "",
      • "phone": "+61484123456"
    • "items": [
      • {
        • "productName": "Double dive with sharks",
        • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
        • "startTime": "2025-09-30T23:00:00Z",
        • "endTime": "2025-10-01T02:00:00Z",
        • "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 09:00:00",
        • "endTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 12:00:00",
        • "quantities": [
          • {
            • "optionLabel": "Adult",
            • "optionPrice": 250,
            • "value": 2
        • "totalQuantity": 2,
        • "amount": 500,
        • "extras": [
          • {
            • "name": "Underwater camera rental",
            • "price": 15,
            • "extraPriceType": "ANY",
            • "quantity": 1
        • "participants": [
          • {
            • "fields": [
              • {
                • "label": "First Name",
                • "value": "Rick"
              • {
                • "label": "Last Name",
                • "value": "Sanchez"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification level",
                • "value": "Open Water"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification number",
                • "value": "123456798"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification agency",
                • "value": "PADI"
          • {
            • "fields": [
              • {
                • "label": "First Name",
                • "value": "Morty"
              • {
                • "label": "Last Name",
                • "value": "Smith"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification level",
                • "value": "Rescue Diver"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification number",
                • "value": "111222333"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification agency",
                • "value": "SDI"
        • "subtotal": 515,
        • "pickupLocation": {
          • "pickupInstructions": "Call us on +61123456 to arrange a pickup from a custom pickup request not listed among the pickup locations.\r\nPlease be ready 15 minute before the pickup time."
    • "totalAmount": 515,
    • "totalCurrency": "AUD",
    • "totalPaid": 515,
    • "totalDue": 0,
    • "dateCreated": "2021-09-13T23:18:21Z",
    • "dateConfirmed": "2021-09-13T23:18:20.502Z",
    • "datePaid": "2021-09-13T23:18:20.5Z",
    • "payments": [
      • {
        • "type": "CASH",
        • "amount": 515,
        • "currency": "AUD",
        • "date": "2021-09-13T23:18:20.51Z",
        • "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo",
        • "recipient": "RESELLER"
    • "fields": [
      • {
        • "label": "Barcode",
        • "value": "RYK4EM1"
      • {
        • "label": "Special Requirements",
        • "value": "Gluten free lunch for Morty"
    • "source": "MARKETPLACE_PREF_RATE",
    • "resellerSource": "API",
    • "resellerComments": "This comment is visible to both supplier and reseller",
    • "commission": 51.5,
    • "vouchers": [ ],
    • "resellerReference": "ORDER12345",
    • "barcodeType": "QR_CODE"

Quote booking

Get a quote for a booking. Use this service to validate your Booking object before making the actual booking.
Business rules will be validated, and all amounts and totals will be populated.
It is not a Booking: It does not have any status or booking number. A Quote does not reserve any seat.

Request Body schema: application/json

Order number. This is the number you should give to customers and print on booking confirmations. Order number is generated by the system, therefore, even if it is specified in the booking request, it will be overwritten.


Status of this booking

object (User)

Internal Rezdy user details. This is a Rezdy application user who belongs to a Rezdy agent or supplier company.

integer <int64>

Rezdy internal ID of the agent company attached to this booking

object (User)

Internal Rezdy user details. This is a Rezdy application user who belongs to a Rezdy agent or supplier company.

object (Customer)

The customer is the person making the booking, and most of the time paying for it.
It differs from Participants, who are the people attending a tour

Array of objects (BookingItemCreate)

List of items in this booking. A booking can contain multiple products. Each BookingItem is a separate product with its own set of quantities and participant details.


Comments only visible internally by the supplier

Array of objects (BookingField)

List of custom fields that are required "once per booking" by all the products in this booking


External reseller reference, can be used to pass internal booking number. This reference will be shown to a supplier, also it will appear on reports and can be used to filter orders. Maxiumum number of characters is 30


Comments only visible by the agent and the supplier. This should be used by the agent to send voucher numbers/redemption codes to suppliers.


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
object (Booking)

Booking object. Lists all the possible fields for all product types and scenarios. Most of them are not required when sending a new booking.
A single Booking can be used to book multiple products, each of them being a BookingItem. All the products of one booking have to be from the same supplier.

Request samples

Content type

Example of quote a manual payment booking with minimalistic payload

  • "customer": {
    • "firstName": "Rick",
    • "lastName": "Sanchez",
    • "phone": "+61484123456"
  • "items": [
    • {
      • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
      • "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 09:00:00",
      • "quantities": [
        • {
          • "optionLabel": "Adult",
          • "value": 1
  • "pickupLocation": {
    • "locationName": "Divers hotel"
  • "payments": [
    • {
      • "amount": 250,
      • "type": "CASH",
      • "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo company"

Response samples

Content type

Quote booking

  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "version": "v1"
  • "booking": {
    • "supplierId": 13398,
    • "supplierName": "API specification demo supplier (DO NOT EDIT)",
    • "supplierAlias": "apispecificationdemosupplierdonotedit",
    • "resellerId": 13399,
    • "resellerName": "API specification demo agent (DO NOT EDIT)",
    • "resellerAlias": "apispecificationdemoagentdonotedit",
    • "customer": {
      • "firstName": "Rick",
      • "lastName": "Sanchez",
      • "name": "Rick Sanchez",
      • "phone": "+61484123456"
    • "items": [
      • {
        • "productName": "Double dive with sharks",
        • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
        • "startTime": "2025-09-30T23:00:00Z",
        • "endTime": "2025-10-01T02:00:00Z",
        • "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 09:00:00",
        • "endTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 12:00:00",
        • "quantities": [
          • {
            • "optionLabel": "Adult",
            • "optionPrice": 250,
            • "value": 1
        • "totalQuantity": 1,
        • "amount": 250,
        • "extras": [ ],
        • "participants": [
          • {
            • "fields": [
              • {
                • "label": "First Name",
                • "value": "Rick"
              • {
                • "label": "Last Name",
                • "value": "Sanchez"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification level"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification number"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification agency"
        • "subtotal": 250,
        • "pickupLocation": {
          • "pickupInstructions": "Call us on +61123456 to arrange a pickup from a custom pickup request not listed among the pickup locations.\r\nPlease be ready 15 minute before the pickup time."
    • "totalAmount": 250,
    • "totalCurrency": "AUD",
    • "totalPaid": 250,
    • "totalDue": 0,
    • "payments": [
      • {
        • "type": "CASH",
        • "amount": 250,
        • "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo agent",
        • "recipient": "RESELLER"
    • "fields": [
      • {
        • "label": "Barcode"
    • "source": "MARKETPLACE_PREF_RATE",
    • "resellerSource": "API",
    • "commission": 25,
    • "vouchers": [ ],
    • "barcodeType": "QR_CODE"

Get booking

Load an existing booking by Order Number

path Parameters
Example: R123456

Order number to search


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
object (Booking)

Booking object. Lists all the possible fields for all product types and scenarios. Most of them are not required when sending a new booking.
A single Booking can be used to book multiple products, each of them being a BookingItem. All the products of one booking have to be from the same supplier.

Response samples

Content type

Get booking RKM1ULT:

  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "version": "v1"
  • "booking": {
    • "orderNumber": "RKM1ULT",
    • "status": "CONFIRMED",
    • "supplierId": 13398,
    • "supplierName": "API specification demo supplier (DO NOT EDIT)",
    • "supplierAlias": "apispecificationdemosupplierdonotedit",
    • "resellerId": 13399,
    • "resellerName": "API specification demo agent (DO NOT EDIT)",
    • "resellerAlias": "apispecificationdemoagentdonotedit",
    • "customer": {
      • "id": 29692,
      • "firstName": "Rick",
      • "lastName": "Sanchez",
      • "name": "Rick Sanchez",
      • "phone": "+61484123456"
    • "items": [
      • {
        • "productName": "Double dive with sharks",
        • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
        • "startTime": "2025-09-30T23:00:00Z",
        • "endTime": "2025-10-01T02:00:00Z",
        • "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 09:00:00",
        • "endTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 12:00:00",
        • "quantities": [
          • {
            • "optionLabel": "Adult",
            • "optionPrice": 250,
            • "value": 1
        • "totalQuantity": 1,
        • "amount": 250,
        • "extras": [ ],
        • "participants": [
          • {
            • "fields": [
              • {
                • "label": "First Name",
                • "value": "Rick"
              • {
                • "label": "Last Name",
                • "value": "Sanchez"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification level"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification number"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification agency"
        • "subtotal": 250,
        • "pickupLocation": {
          • "pickupInstructions": "Call us on +61123456 to arrange a pickup from a custom pickup request not listed among the pickup locations.\r\nPlease be ready 15 minute before the pickup time."
    • "totalAmount": 250,
    • "totalCurrency": "AUD",
    • "totalPaid": 250,
    • "totalDue": 0,
    • "dateCreated": "2025-09-09T02:14:12Z",
    • "dateConfirmed": "2025-09-09T02:14:12Z",
    • "datePaid": "2025-09-09T02:14:12Z",
    • "payments": [
      • {
        • "type": "CASH",
        • "amount": 250,
        • "currency": "AUD",
        • "date": "2025-09-09T02:14:12Z",
        • "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo agent",
        • "recipient": "RESELLER"
    • "fields": [
      • {
        • "label": "Barcode",
        • "value": "RKM1ULT"
    • "source": "MARKETPLACE_PREF_RATE",
    • "resellerSource": "API",
    • "commission": 25,
    • "vouchers": [ ],
    • "barcodeType": "QR_CODE"

Update booking

When implementing booking update take into consideration below:

  • only certain fields can currently be updated using API
  • only manual payment bookings can be updated
  • update booking in API triggers webhooks and e-mail notifications in the same way as the order update through UI
  • good practice is to retrieve the full booking object either from create or get booking response, update the necessary fields and pass it whole back to the booking update service. In the future we might support updates of additional fields e.g. add and delete of participants. If you don't send the participants array in the request, we will recognize it as the participants deletion and remove the participant from the existing order
  • order of the items in arrays have to be preserved for the following fields "items", "participants", since no ids are exposed in the API and thus are matched based on the position in the array again the existing booking object
  • agent can update supplier orders only if the supplier allow them to edit orders when sharing their products

The service method does not support a partial update, full booking object, as it was retrieved from the booking create or search services, has to be send back to the request payload. Otherwise, the properties or relations which are currently supported (see below) and they are not sent, will be deleted. Order of the items in arrays have to be preserved for the following fields 'items', 'participants'.

Currently supported fields are:

  • Booking.customer - all customer data can be updated
  • Booking.field - all 'per booking' booking fields values
  • Booking.item.participant.field - all 'per participant' booking fields values
  • Booking.resellerComments - both the booking agent and the supplier can update the booking resellerComments
  • Booking.resellerReference - both the booking agent and the supplier can update the booking resellerReference
  • Booking.items.pickupLocation.locationName - both the booking agent and the supplier can update the booking pickup location

For the sample requests provided in the right panel, consider the booking object below being retrieved from a POST order or GET order methods:

    "requestStatus": {
        "success": true,
        "version": "v1"
    "booking": {
        "orderNumber": "RSKCJ1K",
        "status": "CONFIRMED",
        "supplierId": 61,
        "supplierName": "SUPPLIER_PREMIUM_AU",
        "customer": {
            "id": 2,
            "firstName": "Dusan",
            "lastName": "Zahoransky",
            "name": "Dusan Zahoransky",
            "email": ""
        "items": [
                "productName": "activity i session seats pp adult 100f",
                "productCode": "P123456",
                "startTime": "2017-01-19T09:00:00Z",
                "endTime": "2017-01-19T11:00:00Z",
                "startTimeLocal": "2017-01-19 20:00:00",
                "endTimeLocal": "2017-01-19 22:00:00",
                "quantities": [
                        "optionLabel": "Adult",
                        "optionPrice": 100,
                        "value": 1
                "totalQuantity": 1,
                "amount": 100,
                "extras": [
                "participants": [
                        "fields": [
                                "label": "First Name",
                                "value": "Janko",
                                "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                                "requiredPerBooking": false,
                                "visiblePerParticipant": false,
                                "visiblePerBooking": false
                                "label": "Last Name",
                                "value": "Hrasko",
                                "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                                "requiredPerBooking": false,
                                "visiblePerParticipant": false,
                                "visiblePerBooking": false
                "subtotal": 100,
                "vouchers": [
        "totalAmount": 100,
        "totalCurrency": "AUD",
        "totalPaid": 0,
        "totalDue": 100,
        "dateCreated": "2017-01-19T03:36:18.462Z",
        "dateConfirmed": "2017-01-19T03:36:18.462Z",
        "payments": [
        "fields": [
                "label": "Special Requirements",
                "value": "No meat meal option",
                "requiredPerParticipant": false,
                "requiredPerBooking": false,
                "visiblePerParticipant": false,
                "visiblePerBooking": false
        "source": "API",
        "vouchers": [
path Parameters

order number of the booking

Request Body schema: application/json

Order number. This is the number you should give to customers and print on booking confirmations. Order number is generated by the system, therefore, even if it is specified in the booking request, it will be overwritten.


Status of this booking

object (User)

Internal Rezdy user details. This is a Rezdy application user who belongs to a Rezdy agent or supplier company.

integer <int64>

Rezdy internal ID of the agent company attached to this booking

object (User)

Internal Rezdy user details. This is a Rezdy application user who belongs to a Rezdy agent or supplier company.

object (Customer)

The customer is the person making the booking, and most of the time paying for it.
It differs from Participants, who are the people attending a tour

Array of objects (BookingItemCreate)

List of items in this booking. A booking can contain multiple products. Each BookingItem is a separate product with its own set of quantities and participant details.


Comments only visible internally by the supplier

Array of objects (BookingField)

List of custom fields that are required "once per booking" by all the products in this booking


External reseller reference, can be used to pass internal booking number. This reference will be shown to a supplier, also it will appear on reports and can be used to filter orders. Maxiumum number of characters is 30


Comments only visible by the agent and the supplier. This should be used by the agent to send voucher numbers/redemption codes to suppliers.


Response Schema:
object (RequestStatus)
object (Booking)

Booking object. Lists all the possible fields for all product types and scenarios. Most of them are not required when sending a new booking.
A single Booking can be used to book multiple products, each of them being a BookingItem. All the products of one booking have to be from the same supplier.

Request samples

Content type

Update reseller information and booking fields and pickup location

  • "resellerReference ": "123456789",
  • "resellerComments": "Here come agent comments that are visible to both booking agent and supplier",
  • "orderNumber": "RKQ0687",
  • "status": "CONFIRMED",
  • "supplierId": 13398,
  • "supplierName": "API specification demo supplier (DO NOT EDIT)",
  • "supplierAlias": "apispecificationdemosupplierdonotedit",
  • "resellerId": 13399,
  • "resellerName": "API specification demo agent (DO NOT EDIT)",
  • "resellerAlias": "apispecificationdemoagentdonotedit",
  • "customer": {
    • "id": 29665,
    • "firstName": "Rick",
    • "lastName": "Sanchez",
    • "name": "Rick Sanchez",
    • "phone": "+61484123456"
  • "items": [
    • {
      • "pickupLocation": {
        • "locationName": "Divers hotel"
      • "productName": "Double dive with sharks",
      • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
      • "startTime": "2021-09-30T23:00:00Z",
      • "endTime": "2021-10-01T02:00:00Z",
      • "startTimeLocal": "2021-10-01 09:00:00",
      • "endTimeLocal": "2021-10-01 12:00:00",
      • "quantities": [
        • {
          • "optionLabel": "Adult",
          • "optionPrice": 250,
          • "value": 1
      • "totalQuantity": 1,
      • "amount": 250,
      • "extras": [ ],
      • "participants": [
        • {
          • "fields": [
            • {
              • "label": "First Name",
              • "value": "Rick"
            • {
              • "label": "Last Name",
              • "value": "Sanchez"
            • {
              • "label": "Certification level",
              • "value": "Open Water"
            • {
              • "label": "Certification number",
              • "value": "123456798"
            • {
              • "label": "Certification agency",
              • "value": "PADI"
      • "subtotal": 250
  • "totalAmount": 250,
  • "totalCurrency": "AUD",
  • "totalPaid": 250,
  • "totalDue": 0,
  • "dateCreated": "2021-09-07T00:21:22Z",
  • "dateConfirmed": "2021-09-07T00:21:22.107Z",
  • "datePaid": "2021-09-07T00:21:22.098Z",
  • "payments": [
    • {
      • "type": "CASH",
      • "amount": 250,
      • "currency": "AUD",
      • "date": "2021-09-07T00:21:22.224Z",
      • "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo agent",
      • "recipient": "RESELLER"
  • "fields": [
    • {
      • "label": "Barcode",
      • "value": "RKQ0687"
  • "source": "MARKETPLACE_PREF_RATE",
  • "resellerSource": "API",
  • "commission": 25,
  • "vouchers": [ ],
  • "barcodeType": "QR_CODE"

Response samples

Content type
  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "error": {
      • "errorCode": "string",
      • "errorMessage": "string",
      • "seatsAvailable": 0,
      • "fields": [
        • {
          • "label": "string",
          • "reason": "string"
      • "quantityRequiredMin": 0,
      • "quantityRequiredMax": 0,
      • "priceOptions": [
        • {
          • "label": "string",
          • "min": 0,
          • "max": 0
    • "warning": {
      • "warningMessage": "string"
    • "version": "string"
  • "booking": {
    • "orderNumber": "string",
    • "status": "PROCESSING",
    • "supplierId": 0,
    • "supplierName": "string",
    • "supplierAlias": "string",
    • "createdBy": {
      • "code": "string",
      • "firstName": "string",
      • "lastName": "string",
      • "email": "string"
    • "resellerId": 0,
    • "resellerName": "string",
    • "resellerAlias": "string",
    • "resellerUser": {
      • "code": "string",
      • "firstName": "string",
      • "lastName": "string",
      • "email": "string"
    • "customer": {
      • "id": 0,
      • "firstName": "string",
      • "middleName": "string",
      • "lastName": "string",
      • "name": "string",
      • "email": "string",
      • "companyName": "string",
      • "phone": "string",
      • "mobile": "string",
      • "fax": "string",
      • "skype": "string",
      • "dob": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      • "preferredLanguage": "string",
      • "newsletter": true,
      • "marketing": true,
      • "aboutUs": "string",
      • "title": "MR",
      • "gender": "MALE",
      • "addressLine": "string",
      • "addressLine2": "string",
      • "postCode": "string",
      • "city": "string",
      • "state": "string",
      • "countryCode": "string"
    • "items": [
      • {
        • "productName": "string",
        • "productCode": "string",
        • "startTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        • "endTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        • "startTimeLocal": "string",
        • "endTimeLocal": "string",
        • "quantities": [
          • {
            • "optionId": 0,
            • "optionLabel": "string",
            • "optionPrice": 0.1,
            • "value": 0
        • "totalQuantity": 0,
        • "amount": 0.1,
        • "extras": [
          • {
            • "id": 0,
            • "name": "string",
            • "description": "string",
            • "price": 0.1,
            • "extraPriceType": "ANY",
            • "quantity": 0,
            • "image": {
              • "id": 0,
              • "itemUrl": "string",
              • "thumbnailUrl": "string",
              • "mediumSizeUrl": "string",
              • "largeSizeUrl": "string"
        • "participants": [
          • {
            • "fields": [
              • {
                • "label": "string",
                • "value": "string",
                • "requiredPerParticipant": true,
                • "requiredPerBooking": true,
                • "visiblePerParticipant": true,
                • "visiblePerBooking": true,
                • "listOptions": "string",
                • "fieldType": "String"
        • "transferFrom": "string",
        • "transferTo": "string",
        • "transferReturn": true,
        • "subtotal": 0.1,
        • "pickupLocation": {
          • "locationName": "string",
          • "address": "string",
          • "latitude": 0.1,
          • "longitude": 0.1,
          • "minutesPrior": 0,
          • "additionalInstructions": "string",
          • "pickupTime": "string",
          • "pickupInstructions": "string"
        • "vouchers": [
          • {
            • "code": "string",
            • "status": "ISSUED",
            • "internalReference": "string",
            • "internalNotes": "string",
            • "issueDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            • "expiryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            • "value": 0.1,
            • "valueType": "VALUE_LIMITPRODUCT",
            • "sourceOrder": "string"
        • "totalItemTax": 0.1
    • "totalAmount": 0.1,
    • "totalCurrency": "AED",
    • "totalPaid": 0.1,
    • "totalDue": 0.1,
    • "dateCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    • "dateUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    • "dateConfirmed": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    • "datePaid": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    • "dateReconciled": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    • "comments": "string",
    • "internalNotes": "string",
    • "payments": [
      • {
        • "type": "PAYPAL",
        • "amount": 0.1,
        • "currency": "AED",
        • "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        • "label": "string",
        • "recipient": "SUPPLIER"
    • "creditCard": {
      • "cardName": "string",
      • "cardType": "VISA",
      • "expiryMonth": "string",
      • "expiryYear": "string",
      • "cardNumber": "string",
      • "cardSecurityNumber": "string",
      • "cardToken": "string",
      • "cardCountry": "string"
    • "fields": [
      • {
        • "label": "string",
        • "value": "string",
        • "requiredPerParticipant": true,
        • "requiredPerBooking": true,
        • "visiblePerParticipant": true,
        • "visiblePerBooking": true,
        • "listOptions": "string",
        • "fieldType": "String"
    • "source": "ONLINE",
    • "sourceReferrer": "string",
    • "resellerSource": "ONLINE",
    • "sourceChannel": "string",
    • "resellerComments": "string",
    • "surcharge": 0.1,
    • "commission": 0.1,
    • "vouchers": [
      • "string"
    • "coupon": "string",
    • "paymentOption": "CREDITCARD",
    • "sendNotifications": true,
    • "resellerReference": "string",
    • "barcodeType": "TEXT"

Cancel booking

Cancel an existing booking and send notifications about the cancellation. In case of an Automated Payment booking, will also refund payment.

path Parameters
Example: R123456

Order number to cancel

query Parameters

Flag to control if a booking confirmation email should be send to the customer after this booking is canceled. Default (if not specified) is true.


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
object (Booking)

Booking object. Lists all the possible fields for all product types and scenarios. Most of them are not required when sending a new booking.
A single Booking can be used to book multiple products, each of them being a BookingItem. All the products of one booking have to be from the same supplier.

Response samples

Content type

Get booking RKM1ULT:

  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "warning": {
      • "warningMessage": "This order is already cancelled"
    • "version": "v1"
  • "booking": {
    • "orderNumber": "RKQ0687",
    • "status": "CANCELLED",
    • "supplierId": 13398,
    • "supplierName": "API specification demo supplier (DO NOT EDIT)",
    • "supplierAlias": "apispecificationdemosupplierdonotedit",
    • "resellerId": 13399,
    • "resellerName": "API specification demo agent (DO NOT EDIT)",
    • "resellerAlias": "apispecificationdemoagentdonotedit",
    • "customer": {
      • "id": 29665,
      • "firstName": "Rick",
      • "lastName": "Sanchez",
      • "name": "Rick Sanchez",
      • "phone": "+61484123456"
    • "items": [
      • {
        • "productName": "Double dive with sharks",
        • "productCode": "PWQF1Y",
        • "startTime": "2025-09-30T23:00:00Z",
        • "endTime": "2025-10-01T02:00:00Z",
        • "startTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 09:00:00",
        • "endTimeLocal": "2025-10-01 12:00:00",
        • "quantities": [
          • {
            • "optionLabel": "Adult",
            • "optionPrice": 250,
            • "value": 1
        • "totalQuantity": 1,
        • "amount": 250,
        • "extras": [ ],
        • "participants": [
          • {
            • "fields": [
              • {
                • "label": "First Name",
                • "value": "Rick"
              • {
                • "label": "Last Name",
                • "value": "Sanchez"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification level",
                • "value": "Open Water"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification number",
                • "value": "123456798"
              • {
                • "label": "Certification agency",
                • "value": "PADI"
        • "subtotal": 250,
        • "pickupLocation": {
          • "locationName": "Divers hotel",
          • "address": "Cape Byron, Byron Bay NSW, Australia",
          • "pickupTime": "2025-10-01 08:30:00",
          • "pickupInstructions": "Please be ready 15 minute before the pickup time in the hotel lobby area.\r\nPlease be ready 15 minute before the pickup time."
    • "totalAmount": 250,
    • "totalCurrency": "AUD",
    • "totalPaid": 250,
    • "totalDue": 0,
    • "dateCreated": "2025-09-07T00:21:22Z",
    • "dateUpdated": "2025-09-09T03:57:02Z",
    • "dateConfirmed": "2025-09-07T00:21:22Z",
    • "datePaid": "2025-09-07T00:21:22Z",
    • "payments": [
      • {
        • "type": "CASH",
        • "amount": 250,
        • "currency": "AUD",
        • "date": "2025-09-07T00:21:22Z",
        • "label": "Paid in cash to API specification demo agent",
        • "recipient": "RESELLER"
    • "fields": [
      • {
        • "label": "Barcode",
        • "value": "RKQ0687"
    • "source": "MARKETPLACE_PREF_RATE",
    • "resellerSource": "API",
    • "resellerComments": "Here come agent comments that are visible to both booking agent and supplier",
    • "commission": 25,
    • "vouchers": [ ],
    • "barcodeType": "QR_CODE"


Category service to retrieve category details and their products.

Search categories

Load all categories matching a search string. If the search string is empty, all categories will be returned. This will only return categories that belong to the company identified from the request's apiKey.

query Parameters

String to search for. It will be searched in category name


Return only public categories if it is set to true, only private if it is set to false, or both if it not set.

integer <int32>

limit how many results are returned per request. Maximum is 100, which is also the default, when not specified.

integer <int32>
Default: 0

Offset of the first result to return. Default to 0.


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
Array of objects (Category)

Response samples

Content type

Search categories:


Get category

Load an existing category by Id

path Parameters
integer <int64>

Category ID


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
object (Category)

A Category is used to group products

Response samples

Content type

Get category 9091:


List category products

Load all products within a category.

path Parameters
integer <int64>

The category id.

query Parameters
integer <int32>

limit how many results are returned per request. Maximum is 100, which is also the default, when not specified.

integer <int32>
Default: 0

Offset of the first result to return. Default to 0.


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
Array of objects (Product)

Response samples

Content type

List category 9091 products:


Add product to category

Adds a product to an existing category

path Parameters
integer <int64>


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
object (Rate)

A Rate is used to group products with its corresponding shared rate

Response samples

Content type

Add product P00TNX to category 9091 responds with category products, or 406 status if product already is in this category: PUT

  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "version": "v1"
  • "rate": {
    • "rateId": 9091,
    • "name": "Demo supplier products",
    • "productRates": [
      • {
        • "productCode": "PWQF1Y"
      • {
        • "productCode": "P00TNX"

Remove product from category

Removes a product from an existing category

path Parameters
integer <int64>


Response Schema: application/json
object (RequestStatus)
object (Rate)

A Rate is used to group products with its corresponding shared rate

Response samples

Content type

Remove product P00TNX from category 9091, responds with remaining category products: DELETE

  • "requestStatus": {
    • "success": true,
    • "version": "v1"
  • "rate": {
    • "rateId": 9091,
    • "name":